Welcome to a special place on the internet dedicated to helping
out those poor souls out there who, like myself, still need to make
do with and old 386 computer. We are the people who still marvel at
the awesome power and speed of a 486 sx 66 mhz with 400 Megs
of hard disk space.
It is my hope that this page can help to allow us unfortunate souls
to keep as up-to-date as possible with those pentium-II
using bastards for whome all new software is written for.
My hope is that together, this support site will allow us
victims of progress the chance to share our secrets of staying alive with a slow-ass computer in this high speed world. Coming soon: Favorite software for 386 computers and discussion groups for users to share what they know.
-A 386 owner and proud of it.
Click here to visit
Men's 4M: Online
Hot Downloads:
Great Puzzle Bobble/Bust-a-Move Clones for 386s
Many other great classic games for your 386
Old and new applications that work on a 386
Usefull Links for 386'ers:
My FAQ including the ever popular.. does win 95 work on
a 386?
A support group for 386 users.
Similar idea to this page but not very usefull and is nolonger
updated from what I can see.
Please tell everyone where to find some good 386 related software
of pages by signing the guestbook
View the entries others have left
Last update: July 23, 1998.
We've had
visitors since 2/3/98